It is no secret that Google have begun to start favouring mobile, this year we can definitely expect to see more of this.
In latter 2016, mobile data usage surpassed desktop usage for the first time, we are becoming a society that is reliant on mobile devices as the internet and mobile are being revolutionised where mundane tasks are now made easier through an electronic device such as shopping, finding out information or making a call through programs like Skype and Whatsapp. Is your site ready for the mobile revolution?
Firstly, if you are unsure whether your site is mobile friendly or not, Google have an online tool that you can use for free to check if your site is mobile friendly. Simply input your url and it will display your results.
The next consideration should be Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). AMP is a way to build web pages for static content that render fast. Last year, we saw AMP site officially begin appearing in main SERPs, whilst having these pages is currently considered a ranking boost, it doesn't hurt ot be prepared. Whilst there are advantages to having AMP pages, they are essentially a much lighter version of your desktop site so there are restrictions and currently only work best for news or blog sites. AMP is still relatively new so it may evolve and change very quickly but it is worth keeping an eye on.