Search engine optimisation can be something hard to comprehend but here are some basic tips to help you along:
1. Ensure You Are Mobile Friendly
Mobile internet usage officially overtook desktop globally last month in October. Mobile usage is becoming increasingly important, not only has it surpassed but it set to continue especially through the upcoming holiday season. Google recognises this and is considered a ranking signal but poor user experience will be the biggest threat.
2. Make Sure Your Name, Address, Phone (NAP) Is The Same Everywhere It Is Listed On The Internet
Just like a company slogan, having all your details written and listed in the same way will help local SEO.
3. Make Social Sharing Buttons Easily Accessible
Being able to share content is easily is a must. Similar to back links, social sharing gets you traction to your content.
image via Marketing Land
4.Use Lots of Images
Using images breaks up articles for people reading and keeps them engaged. Blocks of writing can be quite tedious for a reader on a web page, images not only breaks up the article but you can add in keywords to your 'alt tags' to help with relevancy.
5. Use Short Static URLs
Static URLs are ones that don't change and the content of the webpage remains the same. By using short and concise ones, it tells users exactly what they are going to get by clicking your link.
6. Google Yourself
There is no shame is this and it is highly recommended! By searching your own term, you can not only see where you are ranking for but also who also ranks for your term. If you are a company, there are lots of company directories that list your details, ensure these are correct as mentioned in tip 2!
There is so much more that you can do to improve your SEO and there is no one size fits all. We are always happy to talk to you about what you want so get in touch today!